Bukura Agricultural College

Bukura Agricultural College is a State Corporation established by an Act of Parliament to provide middle-level training in agriculture and related fields.
The College started in 1974 as an Institute of Agriculture with 73 students following the recommendations of the Weir Commission of 1967 on Agricultural Education in Western Kenya. The Institute was later upgraded to a Diploma College in 1992. From 1992-2007 the College focussed on in-service training targeting staff mainly from the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development. In 2007 the College opened its doors to secondary school leavers in response to the declining number of in-service trainees.


Professional, Technical (TIVET)

Size (Population):


Contact Person:

Contact Details:

Bukura Agricultural College
P.O BOX 23 -50105 Bukura
Landline Tel. 020-3505479
Fax : 020 – 2349265

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