Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority

The Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) is established as the successor to the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) under the Energy Act, 2019 with an expanded mandate of inter alia regulation of upstream petroleum and coal.

The functions of the Authority as provided in Section 10 of the Energy Act 2019 include:

(a) Regulate—

(i) Generation, importation, exportation, transmission, distribution, supply and use of electrical energy with the exception of licensing of nuclear facilities;

(ii) Importation, refining, exportation, transportation, storage and sale of petroleum and petroleum products with the exception of crude oil;

(iii) Production, conversion, distribution, supply, marketing and use of renewable energy

(iv) Exploration, extraction, production, processing, transportation, storage exportation, importation and sale of coal bed methane gas and other energy forms;

(b) Regulate, monitor and supervise upstream petroleum operations in Kenya in accordance with the law relating to petroleum, the regulations made thereunder and the relevant petroleum agreement;

(c) Provide such information and statistics in relation to upstream petroleum operations in Kenya to the Cabinet Secretary responsible for matters relating to petroleum as may be required from time to time;

d) Collect, maintain and manage upstream petroleum data;

(e) Receive, review and grant an application for a nonexclusive exploration;



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Contact Details:

Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority
P:O:BOX 42681-00100
Eagle Africa Centre
Longonot Road, Upperhill
+254 709 336000/ 734 414333/020 2847000

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