KALRO is a corporate body created under the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Act of 2013 to establish suitable legal and institutional framework for coordination of agricultural research in Kenya with the following goals:
– Promote, streamline, co-ordinate and regulate research in crops, livestock, genetic resources and biotechnology in Kenya.
– Expedite equitable access to research information, resources and technology and promote the application of research findings and technology in the field of agriculture.
While striving to fulfil the stated goals, KALRO will be obliged to:
Formulate policy and make policy recommendations to the Cabinet Secretary on agricultural research.
Prioritize areas for, and co-ordinate, agricultural research in Kenya in line with the national policy on agriculture.
Determine and advise the Government on the resource requirements for agricultural research in Kenya both at the national and county level.
Regulate, monitor and ensure that all agricultural research undertaken by research institutes and other institutions or persons undertaking agricultural research is consistent with the national priorities specified in the relevant policy documents.
Establish and exercise control over the research institutes, committees and research centres established pursuant to this Act.
Formulate or approve medium and long term research plans, strategies and budgets of research institutes, committees and organization’s established pursuant to this Act.
Provide grants to research institutes and persons desirous of carrying out research and training programs which are consistent with the national research priorities and plans of the Organization.
Support and promote the training and capacity building in relation to agricultural research.
Promote the dissemination and application of research findings in the field of agriculture and the establishment of a Science Park.
Liaise with and ensure the co-ordination of institutions, agencies and persons involved in agricultural research.
Establish platforms for the purposes sharing of research information, advancing research and transfer of technology and dissemination of information relating to advancements made in agricultural research.
Ensure continuance of performance improvement in the field of agricultural research.
Perform such other functions as may be conferred on it by this Act or any other written law.
For more information on KALRO please refer to Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Act No 17 of 201