Kenya Highlands Evangelical University

Kenya Highlands University (formerly Kenya Highlands Evangelical University)is fully-fledged (Chartered) institution of higher learning belonging to the Africa Gospel Church under the management of a University Council members from the Africa Gospel Church, World Gospel Mission, the university and the community.

The Kenya Highlands University formerly known as “Kenya highlands Evangelical University” which for long known as “Kenya highlands Bible College” was Chartered on March 23, 2011 by H.E. Hon. Mwai Kibaki, the former President and commander in chief of the defense forces of Kenya, through the Commission for Higher Education {now known as Commission for University Education ,(CUE)} and is now a fully fledged University. KHU has met all the CUE standards and has attained a full University status.


Theological, Pastoral, Leadership

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Contact Details:

Main campus:
P.O. Box 123-20200
Kericho, Kenya
+254716150220, +254716477574

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