The National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA) is a Semi-Autonomous State Corporation under the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government as per the Executive Order No. 1 of June 2018 (Revised).
A Gazette Notice dated April 26, 2001, established the National Agency for the Campaign Against Drug Abuse (NACADA) to undertake public education and awareness campaign against drug abuse, especially among youth in schools and other institutions of higher learning. The Authority operated as such until May 2006 when His Excellency the then President of the Republic of Kenya established an Advisory Board and appointed its Chairman through the Kenya Gazette Notice No. 3749 of 19th May 2006.
Through a Legal Notice No. 140 published in the Kenya Gazette Supplement on 29th June 2007, the Agency was transformed into the National Campaign Against Drug Abuse Authority (NACADAA) under the State Corporations Act (Cap 446 of the Laws of Kenya) to coordinate a multi-sectoral campaign to prevent, control and mitigate the impact of alcohol and drug abuse in the country. In 2010, the Authority’s mandate was expanded to include implementation of the Alcoholic Drinks Control Act 2010.
In July 2012, the Authority was again transformed to the National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA) having been firmly established under an Act of Parliament and its mandate expanded and elaborated in the National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA) Act, 2012.
The Authority works with schools, workplaces, colleges, universities, technical institutions, county governments, ministries, parastatals, national government administrative offices, faith-based institutions, CBOs, NGOs, self-help groups as well as individuals interested in a society free from alcohol and drug abuse.